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False : SEBI Grade A exam can only be cleared by commerce grad | AffairsCloud Official

False : SEBI Grade A exam can only be cleared by commerce graduates or CA's and CFAs!

Truth: In the SEBI Grade A 2021 exam, more than 50% of selected aspirants were neither from CA background or commerce background!


Well, you should be.

Hi, my name is Anchit Garg and I am the co founder of EduTap

I am conducting a LIVE workshop where I will be telling you the STEP BY STEP formula to prepare, not just prepare but DOMINATE the SEBI Grade A 2023 examination.

After attending this workshop which is btw FREE, I GUARANTEE that you will be able to make a FOOL PROOF STUDY PLAN irrespective of your educational background.

There are only 100 seats for this super awesome, no bullshit, action oriented workshop.

Click on the LINK BELOW and I'll see you on the other side!
